The song Sundown Shorea premieres at the "sunset" of 2020, but will soon shine in the "dawn" of 2021 with Naomi, Rapper HIYADAM and M.A.U Collective

  • Author:
  • Date:21.12.2020
Image of The song Sundown Shorea premieres at the "sunset" of 2020, but will soon shine in the "dawn" of 2021 with Naomi, Rapper HIYADAM and M.A.U Collective
Photo: Van Hoa Duong Pho

Sundown Shorea "Lyric Video" version will be released at 7pm Vietnam time, after 3 days of introduction on some official channels of M.A.U Collective.

Among the first steps, to support Hip Hop artists in Vietnam in particular and Asia in general, have the opportunity to promote their talents on a global scale. M.A.U Collective together with two names Naomi and Hiyadam brought to the audience the song Sundown Shorea.

The song begins with the slow melody of Naomi's lines. For those who admire this female artist, it will be easy to imagine her face that often does not show much emotion. That made many viewers, every time they heard Naomi, were emotionally anchored until they were overflowed by the Rap right after.

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  • Author:
  • Date:21.12.2020

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